Really? Ten months? This one has snuck up on me. It seems like the time we were on vacation in Texas shouldn’t count.
Another big month for you! You have decided that feeding yourself is the only way to go – no more of that silly baby food for you! I have resorted to mixing it with cereal so it’s a playdough consistency that you can pick up.
You have six teeth! I really wish you would stop grinding them together, but they are very handy for chewing things – like bananas! Which you suddenly like. You would be happiest if I just gave you a block of cheese each meal though.
You CAN crawl – in an Army Ranger fashion. However, you do not enjoy doing so. There are still many complaints when you are on your tummy. Cruising around on the windowsill has become your passion. You are zipping around like crazy. Just the other day you got really adventurous and decided to go from the windowsill to your activity table. Very advanced.
You are also enjoying talking (and yelling) more and more. We got the first “mama!” this month, but I’m not really sure you know what it means. Books are by far your favorite toy. They are one of the few things that you will crawl for.
Strangers are no longer a problem as long as they smile and pay attention to you. You are a flirty waving little girl. Most everything is funny to you. I love hearing you laugh all day at peek-a-boo or the neighborhood cats going through the backyard.
You are still a little overwhelmed by big groups. We had to drop out of our new toddler group because it was just too much for you. I suppose 15 kids between the ages of 9 months and 15 months would be a little much for anyone. It seemed like you were sitting there thinking “Would you guys just SETTLE DOWN?” I think once you’re a little more mobile, you’ll feel differently.
We can’t wait for your fist Halloween. From the looks of the above picture, it looks like you’re getting excited too!