Fourteen Months!

Who is 14 months old? You! And you are amazing! What have we learned this month?

I thought you were well on your way to walking, but you decided that was just a big fake out because crawling gets you where you want to go faster and with less chance of falling and cracking your head. As with many things, it’s more a matter of wanting to rather than being able to. You just have no interest in walking although I am completely confident that you can walk.

You are making an amazing amount of sounds. Not a ton of words yet, but I think they are going to start accumulating soon.

Your obsession with books continues. I believe that I could start a bonfire with all of your toys and as long as I kept the books, you’d be happy. You find books that feature any kind of rabbit or owl delightful. Bear Hunt is now your reigning favorite book.

We spend a good portion of our day taking things out of other things and then putting them back in. Pots out of the cabinets, cotton balls out of a bag, barrettes out of the cup, etc. Although we put things back, I still can’t seem to keep the house tidy at all. It’s your house now.

Instead of just giving kisses, you are now blowing people kisses. It’s very nice.

We have let you start watching a little TV. You love it. Little Einsteins and Sesame Street are your two shows. You request them by grabbing the remote (actually any remote) and frantically pushing buttons.

The engineering track continues. Check out these building skills!

You’re still the best thing in the world. We love you to pieces.

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T w e e t !
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