Nineteen Months

So I’m not going to lie. I had photo shoots with a four month old and a newborn this past weekend and it gave me a little bit of baby fever. I’m not saying that you’ll have a little brother or sister someday, because frankly, I’m pretty tired with just you, but the little ones sure are miracles.

But THEN, I got to come home to this miracle:

WHO could resist your nineteen month old self? You are such a little personality. I can’t resist you, and your Dad is even worse and then the Ga-Ga’s and Uncle D would do anything you wanted (as it should be).

Even my friend, who is a mom of four and presumably has seen a lot of cute, commented on your charisma and general cuteness. You crack us up daily.

I especially enjoyed your reaction to a house that has four kids (under the age of six). We showed up and my friend was leading you back to the family room where chaos was happening. You looked up at her like “Are you kidding me? Everyone needs to settle down”. You have never been a fan of a loud and crazy room. However, you joined right in and had a blast!

So what have you learned this month?

You are a little foodie. On a whim, I gave you a taste of my Roquefort cheese the other week and you were HOOKED. You asked me for cheese on a cracker the other day and then specified “BLEU cheese”.

The move seems to not have fazed you in the least. You are sleeping well in general, and really seem to enjoy the extra space to roam around. You have been so pleased with your playroom, you haven’t even asked me to play on the ‘pu’ (computer).

A few days ago you decided to forgo your afternoon nap (much to my horror), so I decided to watch you through a crack in the door today as you went down for your nap.

You piled up all the Einsteins and then I heard you say “tower” (which is what we make with blocks) and THEN you applauded yourself and your mad building skills. Adorable. I was worried you wouldn’t fall asleep again today but then you picked up Annie, said “Night Night” to her and then laid down and fell asleep. I will never forget that.

You can speak in three word sentences! The other day you told me to “more read book”. Amazing. You understand about 99% of what we say, although sometimes your hearing is selective. We are also working on volume control. Sometimes you think if you say something louder, my answer will change. This month we instituted the phrase “inside voice, please”. You have mastered saying ‘yes’ in addition to ‘no’ and you say it with authority: “yessssssssss”. You also like to say “Oh YEAH!” when you are really excited.

You are also learning that words have power and you are wielding that power very aggressively. I have been told “Mama, sit here!” several times over the past few weeks. There is also pointing to the spot where I should sit.

Your love of stickers continues and I have been trolling the dollar stores to keep up with your habit. I suppose it could be worse.

Laundry is also a big winner. You help me load things into the washer (it’s a front loader) and then we get to push the buttons and make the clothes spin. You genuinely are helpful about putting things into the machine. It must be the 9000 times we’ve read Knuffle Bunny. (It takes place in a laundromat)

We get lots of dancing and you have started to sing a little. We are also treated to you hiding in various places in the kitchen. You won’t come out until say “Oh boo-hoo! I miss Savannah so much!” Then you pop out to reassure me you haven’t run away from home.

I know I say it every month, but you are the Best. Kid. Ever.

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