Mother’s Day Weekend

We were in Dallas for the holiday weekend. While it was Mother’s Day weekend, for Savannah, this was ‘The Weekend of the Tricycle’.
I have been wanting to get Savannah a trike for a while now and I thought it would be fun to include the Grandparents in on the purchase. So we headed out to get it on Saturday. Little did I know that we would have to go to six stores to find this thing. But in the end, we got it and our little triker is having a ball. Here are the photos. More mom’s day weekend photos to come.
Buying a helmet
Not the one we ended up getting, but I wanted to see if she would have any fun on one first.

Riding with Bert & Ernie

Here it is! It was waiting for her when she woke up from her nap.

She thought Dad and I were magic!

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T w e e t !
F r i e n d s   o f   T h e   S J B
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