As usual, a little late.
30 Months! Yowza – that’s a big kid we have now. I’ve heard that 2 1/2 is the pinnacle of “Terrible Two’ behavior and I believe it. Savannah is soooooo fun and hilarious, but has an iron will. We have had our share of classic tantrums this month. I’m hoping that we’re on the downhill of those, because they are not fun. Otherwise, we’ve had lots of fun this month.
Savannah’s favorite color is still brown. Brown everything!!! Clothes, lollipops, jelly beans, crayons, markers. It’s all about brown. I have found a few brown shirts and skirts for her to wear but certainly not enough for her to wear one everyday. There have been some tantrums about that.
Speaking of Jelly Beans….that’s all she’d eat if I let her. I think they have a play value, in addition to lots of sugar, that she likes. They’re sortable, they fit in a cup – it’s a fun treat for her. We had to go cold turkey on them a few days ago though – they’re just too sugary for everyday.
Savannah discovered this month that if you mix water with sand you can make cool shapes!Unfortunately, it has been so hot here the last few weeks, we haven’t had much outdoor time. But now when she wants to play in the sandbox she says “And bring a cup of water!”
Bubbles are still a bit hit. We’ve spent many hours sitting out back blowing bubbles. Of course, Miss Particular over here wants ‘big bubbles’ and then ‘lots of small bubbles to chase’.
Savannah is getting really good at triking. She is pedaling all by herself and as long as she doesn’t get distracted, she can steer too!
Austin has a great sprinkler park (which you have seen some photos of) and we would go every day if we could. I am amazed at how curiosity wins over fear for Savannah. She is so fascinated about where the water is coming from and how it’s coming out of the ground that she’ll stick her face right up to the fountain and risk it blasting her in the face just to learn. The good part is that when she does get nailed with the fountain, she thinks it’s funny.
Imagination is not a problem for Savannah. She has been playing these elaborate games by herself that feature her rescuing some animal or looking for three pieces of paper for a magic puzzle. Generally, the Einsteins or her pig are along for the ride. It’s so cute how she’s assigning little personalities to her friends. Just today, our DVD randomly rebooted and when I told her the TV was trying to fix itself, she popped up and said “I know! Oink Oink pig can fix it!”. She ran and got one of her pigs and pretended that he was fixing the TV. Once it was righted she said “Great job pig!”
We started a ballet/tap class this month and it’s sooo cute. Ten 2 and 3 year olds – in leotards. Adorable. Savannah is one of the youngest at 2 1/2 and while I’d like to say her behavior in class is due to her age – I think she is just very much her own girl.
The parents can watch the class on a closed circuit TV outside and I just cringe watching the teacher put her back on her piece of tape for the 150th time. Or when she decides that she’s not going to tap, she’s going to twirl or when she decides that she’s not going to wait her turn in line to do the floor work, she’s going to go when and however many times she wants. The teacher is great and says that she’ll get there, but it seems that I am destined to have ‘that kid’. She LOVES the class though and I think the movement will be good for her.
Savannah has figured out that she is tall enough to grab things off counters or out of drawers and run away with them. I don’t know how many of you have read ‘Marley & Me’, but her behavior reminds me of the Marley Mambo. She thinks it’s just the funniest thing. Mom and Dad, not so much.
I think Savannah is also hyper-aware of how cute she is. There have been many times this past month where she’s been doing something and she’ll look up at me and say ‘Take a picture of me doing ‘X’. I also once said “Oh, you are so cute!” and then she said “Oh, Mama should get her camera and take ‘click-clicks’ of you being cute!” I can’t wait to bust out the picture of her with a bucket on her head on prom night. ‘What? You asked me to take it!’
Savannah is cute, she is smart, she is funny. She is the complete package as far as a little human being goes. And even with all the tantrums in the world, we wouldn’t change a thing about her.
XOXO Pumpkinhead.