Catching Up on Stuff

So, as I’ve been a little (OK a lot) overwhelmed with work and Savannah the past month, there are some things I’ve meant to blog about, but just haven’t got around to. In the spirit of the ‘Week of Posts’, here’s part one of catching up.

It turns out that Savannah has a food allergy….to Macademia nuts. Ucchh. We had a little party the other week and we had some of those Macademia/white chocolate cookies. She saw one on a table and asked me if she could have. I said ‘sure’. She took one bite and started screaming that the ‘cookie is burning my mouth’. She started spitting it out and was generally pretty miserable. Then the rash started. It was all around her face and mouth. Then the throwing up started.

But she had no breathing problems and was OK after a night’s sleep. One of our friends called her throwing up a ‘rally hurl’ as she felt great once she got everything out of her system. It added a little spice to the party at least. We went to the doctor the other day and she gave us a prescription for an Epi-Pen in case she has an even worse reaction next time. So I’ll now be carrying a needle around with me. Because I don’t have enough stuff already.

Poor kid – she keeps talking about the spicy cookie that burned her mouth. She’s told me several times not to buy those anymore because ‘they make you puke’.

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