I got this crazy little plastic ‘toy camera’ a while back and darn if it’s not the most fun thing ever! It’s called The Golden Half and it takes a 35mm frame of film and splits it in two, essentially giving you a diptych, which can be cool or awful. You get 48 shots from a 24 exposure roll of film.
I took it for a test drive the other week and got my film back and scanned. I am really really excited about some film I sent off a few days ago, but I’ll post that when I get it back.
I love my digital cameras with their super sharp lenses and amazing low light capability, but sometimes its just fun to push a button and not worry about all that technical stuff. It’s been a buuuusy year for me professionally and this camera is just the mental break I need. I mean, it has a plastic lens! It uses film!! I have a feeling I’ll be carrying it around with me often.