**Thursday morning edit – everything still tastes like soap in a tin can AND my lovely husband will not stop laughing at me from Seattle – He thinks I’m making this up – nice Conor**
Since Tuesday evening I have had the WORST taste in my mouth. Bitter, metallic – like I have crushed aspirin on my tongue. Everything I eat or drink tastes gross. It’s horrible.
As it didn’t go away on Wednesday, I of course, turned to the Internet to see what the heck this meant. I kind of expected to get results about heavy metal poisoning or something equally terrible.
There were all these links about pine nuts and this weird condition called Pine Mouth. Apparently, certain kinds of pine nuts can give certain people (but not everyone) this condition where everything tastes horrible for a few days up until a few WEEKS. I’m assuming this is what has happened to me as I made pesto the other night and have been snacking on Pine Nuts since then. I love Pine Nuts and am so sad they have done this to me.
Here’s an interesting article about it. It’s apparently a recent thing, but SO WEIRD right?
I’ll let you know how things are in a few days. But until then…blech.