I have felt like I’m forgetting about something – an appointment or something I’m supposed to mail or a bill for about two weeks. It’s driving me nuts. Anybody aware of something I’m supposed to be doing?
Also, in Savannah related news, Conor figured out that she will willingly and happily do rolls (forward and backward!) on the bed. She kept asking for more. Now all I have to do is drag our mattress to Little Gym every Tuesday and she’ll be the star pupil.
The gym class was even BIGGER today! There were even more little crazy boys and this little girl whose mom was kind of hard core about her two year old having proper form on the balance beam (so what I’m saying is she was no fun). The class broke down into anarchy towards the end. No one would sit in a circle for singing at the end of class. Little boys were hanging off the bars. Savannah was crying because we put the balls away. It was the kind of scene that someone without kids would look at and think “No kids for me, thank you very much”.
19-month update coming soon.