Wooooo! Post 200!
Last night Conor was working late so Savannah was sitting on the kitchen floor while I was finishing up the dishes. I had the dishwasher open and as usual she had taken some notice of it (She likes to get the spoons and knives out of the utensil holder).
I swear I turned around for FIVE seconds to dry off her high chair tray and when I looked back she had climbed ONTO the dishwasher and was standing holding onto the top rack.
The climbing has come out of nowhere. She wants to step up and climb on everything. It makes me far less sympathetic about her “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly walk without holding onto your hand” shtick.
I’m trying to make up for my lack of posting………..
I love this website: http://runningfromcamera.blogspot.com/
It’s so simple and so stupid and yet really, really brilliant.
If I was a gallery curator, I’d give this guy a show. It’s better than a lot of the stuff I curated when I worked in the school gallery.
We went for a follow up on Savannah’s hips today and for the most part, the news was good. Things are looking generally fine. There are a few things we still need to watch in the next few months with the hopes that they will sort themselves out, but we are one step closer to out of the woods (and out of the realm of hip surgery). We don’t have to go back to the ortho for six months.
It’s amazing the terminology you learn when your kid has some medical problem. They put Savannah’s X-Ray up on the screen and I thought “Oh great – her left hip is ossifying.” I am a nerd. There is way too much information on the Internet.
Oh and can anyone tell me when kids stop LOSING their MINDS at the doctor’s office? Savannah used to be such a good patient, but the last few visits the second she touches that crinkly paper she starts kicking and scratching and screaming to get away – even before they do anything to her.
Something that was kind of funny though, was after the exam, she stood on the ground with her head buried into my legs sniffling while the doctor was talking to me. HOWEVER, she would occasionally turn around and check out the cute young intern that the surgeon had with him and smile like “Oh I’m not mad at YOU”. Then she’d go back to sniffling.