
In a twist of ‘the universe is unfair’, Savannah’s beautiful, vibrant, 27 year old teacher has cancer. It makes me blindingly angry when I think about it too deeply. I can only believe that she will get better and live a long life because living well is the best revenge. Yes, I’m personifying a disease.

Anyway, the only funny thing to come out of this is when I was telling Savannah why she would be having a substitute this semester. We talked about what cancer was and she had some great questions such as ‘is it a germ?’ I answered her questions as best as I could. She took a moment, looked intently at me and asked ‘is there an EXPERT we could talk to about this?’


E. T.

We watched E.T. with S for the first time Sunday evening. She giggled through the first part of the movie and then broke down into heaving sobs when she thought ET had died. I don’t like telling her how movies are going to end but at one point she was so inconsolable I had to tell her it would be OK at the end. She ended up declaring ‘best movie ever!’

‘I’ll be right here’


Old Friends

So I can’t believe I have friends that are turning 40. We are all still acting like we are 25 and don’t have mortgages and kids.

A very special friend turned 40 this past month. He is the person I have known the longest and still keep in touch with. We have known each other since we were 12, so 28 years! What? How is that possible? Well I love him and his wife and darling kiddo. Happy Birthday Sir. Fun to celebrate with you tonight.


Camping 2013!

We were invited to go with some of the second grade families on a camping trip and it was a wonderful experience. My family was not a camping family so I have come around to the idea late in life. It turns out, I really like it! To be fair, we had some amenities (running water, a shower nearby and a whole bunch of families that knew what they were doing) but it really is a great time, especially when you have a lovely break in the weather like we did.

See the fun times below!


Yes, that is my child on top of the giant rock. Strong legs and some confidence in your body (plus some egging on from her friends) allow you to do such wonderful scary (to me at least) things! Thank you physical therapy!


Bubbles the travelling cow came along too.



T w e e t !
F r i e n d s   o f   T h e   S J B
M o r e   i n f o