Some quick stats from our well-child check this morning
(ahhh the pleasure of being able to sit in the well waiting room instead of the sick one):
Height 38 inches (85%)
Weight: 33 pounds (75%)
Hearing and vision tests passed. She really liked getting to wear the headphones and raise her hand when she heard the beep.
Developmental questions answered appropriately. It was fun this time as they asked her the questions instead of me. She got to speak for herself. The Doctor asked her her favorite color, her favorite toy, her favorite food and her favorite thing to do outside. I should have asked what those questions were meant to test but I didn’t. They also asked her to stand on one foot, climb stairs, draw a circle and draw a plus sign.
The shots were another story. This is the first time that she’s really known what’s going on. They gave her the first shot and she said “Hey! Ouch! Stop!” and then started to cry. Oh that made me sad. She’s asked me all day why she had to have those “medicine pinches”.
However, the nurse felt bad and gave her FIVE Thomas stickers. Wow.
As we are passing a display of mulling spices at Whole Foods
“OOH! What’s that?”
“Those are mulling spices. You use them to make apple cider.”
“I think I will like apple-citis.”
“No, Savannah, it’s a delicious seasonal drink, not a medical condition.”
“What’s a medical condition? Do I have one?”